Anyone can take action on invasive species by recording any invasive species that they see. Invasive species distribution data helps researchers and land managers detect new populations, prevent future outbreaks, and manage invasive species before they become widely established.

Reporting Tools

Multiple citizen science online reporting tools are available in Canada. Each reporting tool is available as a mobile app (click the link below to learn more), making it easier for individuals to report from anywhere! For each tool, see a description of features and where each reporting tool is available in Canada below.

Report on iNaturalist Join our iNaturalist project 'I Spy and Identify Invasive Species', where we are building an active community of people observing nature and protecting Canada’s outdoor spaces from invasive species. Whether you are an avid nature enthusiast, sidewalk stroller, or somewhere between, taking a moment to observe and report the plants and animals you see you can contribute to Canada’s biodiversity science. Every report you make helps scientists to track, watch and protect Canada’s native species from unwanted impacts, including invasive species.
Report on EDDMapS A web-based mapping system for documenting invasive species and pest distribution developed by the University of Georgia and administered by Canadian partners in Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Report on iMapInvasives An interactive invasive species mapping tool administered by the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre in Canada.
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