Explore our past events below. Find out about upcoming events by subscribing to the CCIS newsletter.


Watch 2024’s National Winter Webinar Series Recordings:

  • Big problem, tiny pest: The hemlock woolly adelgid in Canada
    • Chris MacQuarrie, Natural Resources Canada & Ron Neville, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • PlantWise: Preventing the Spread of Garden Invasives
    • Gabby Nichols, Canadian Council on Invasive Species, Emma Nikkel, Invasive Species Council of BC, Vicki Simkovic, Ontario Invasive Plant Council, & Hughstin Grimshaw-Surette, Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council
  • Promising new invasive species treatments based on genetic and microbial biotechnology
    • Kurt Kowalski, Great Lakes Science Centre, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Approaches to Engaging Youth Across Canada to Take Action and Protect Communities
    • Fel Castañeda, Chirs Sullivan, and Emily Green, Canadian Council on Invasive Species
  • Regional Approaches to Wild Pigs Prevention and Management Across Canada
  • Lessons learned from the Pacific Region: How climate change magnifies invasive species challenges and what we can do about it
    • Dr. Elliott Parsons, Specialist, Pacific Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change Network,  University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa

2024 Wildfires, Climate Change and Invasive Species Conference report and recordings coming soon!

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Pathways to Change Conference

Recordings of the 2023 Horticulture Conference “Pathways to Change” are available to attendees and CCIS Members. Please reach out to chris@canadainvasives.ca for information and access to the recordings.

2023 Winter Webinar Series recordings coming soon!

Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when event recordings are available.

Horticulture Conference Report The Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) in partnership with the Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC), hosted the National Horticulture and Invasive Species Conference on November 8 to 9, 2023.
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Climate Change Report June 7-8, 2022, Canada's 1st National Invasive Species and Climate Change Symposium was held virtually. Symposium report is coming soon, stay tuned!
Webinar Recordings 2022 National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) webinars feature speakers from Canada and around the world discussing key invasive species emerging issues including indigenous persepectives, trade pathways, antartica ship traffic, climate change implications and more!
Event Recordings On January 20th, 2022, Canada's 1st National Phragmites Conference was held to better understand the state and spread of "Canada's worst invasive plant".
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Webinar Recordings 2021 National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) webinar series features speakers from across Canada covering invasive species topics related to tourism, spotted lanternfly, phragmites, behaviour change, and invasive pigs.
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Webinar Recordings 2020 National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) webinars were the first series of NISAW webinars hosted by CCIS. This series features speakers from across Canada covering topics including the implementation of programs which prevent the spread of invasive species, including Play Clean Go, Clean Drain Dry, and Plant Wise.
Presentations and Report January 2020, CCIS hosted a Community Science Workshop in Ottawa, bringing together various partners and key organizations to share lessons learned from current citizen science programs in Canada
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