Join other outdoor enthusiasts in Canada protecting the places we love by buying an burning locally sourced firewood.
Buy Local, Burn Local Steps
Canada has 347 million ha of forest cover that represents nearly 9% of the world’s forests (Natural Resources Canada). Our forests and urban trees provide us with many ecosystem benefits such as capturing rain and storm water runoff, shade, habitat for wildlife and wood products. However, our trees are under threat from invasive forest pests such as emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, and Asian long-horned beetle. Moving firewood from one location to another Moving firewood transports tree-killing insects and diseases to new areas resulting in destruction for forests and urban trees. These pests will move slowly on their own but can move long distances very quickly through the transportation of firewood. Follow these best practices to protect our forest and trees from invasive pests:
- BUY firewood at or near where you will use it.
- LEAVE any unused firewood on site.
- LEARN to identify common invasive species and report them.
If you brought any non-local firewood with you, use first and burn completely. Next time only use local firewood.
Practice these steps whenever you’re using firewood – at the cottage, campsite, backyard, etc.
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Take the Pledge!
Do you want to be a part of protecting Canada’s outdoor spaces? It’s never too late to start taking the Buy Local, Burn Local steps that protect our forests and trees, every act helps!
Join 100’s of others across North America who have pledged to protect the places we love. Committing to action is a tool used to help people build habits and commit to changes in their behaviour. When you pledge to always take the Buy Local, Burn Local steps when using firewood, you have a greater chance of adhering to your commitment in the future!
Complete the pledge form below and your name will be added to list of other individuals preventing the spread across Canada.
Buy Local Burn Local Tools

Resource Library
The resources below are a sample of the resources available to program partners who help implement Buy Local Burn Local messaging and resources including best practices, rack cards, posters, and more. All resources are available in English, French, and/or with bilingual wording.