Climate change is an issue that affects all of us. With warming temperatures, entire ecosystems across the globe are being reshaped. One major issue that has come about due to climate change, is the spread of invasive species. Invasive species are a global issue. Commonly spread by human activities, invasive species cause widespread destruction to… Read More
Category: Uncategorized
“Kill it! Squash it, smash it…just get rid of it.”

A dangerous pest is threatening Canada. A voracious sap sucker, this southeast Asian native has the potential to cause catastrophic damage to both Canada’s agricultural industry, and its natural environment. This threat is known as the spotted lanternfly (SLF). What is the spotted lanternfly? SLF is a plant hopping insect from southeast Asia, who has… Read More
Become a community scientist and help protect Canada’s biodiversity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Become a community scientist and help protect Canada’s biodiversity (August 20, 2021 – Williams Lake, BC) The Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) is encouraging everyone across Canada to observe and report invasive species to help protect biodiversity in Canada. Invasive species are an issue that affects us all. Observing and reporting… Read More
Take Action, Be Aquatic Wise Project Wrap Up and Celebration!

We are celebrating the success of the three year Take Action, Be Aquatic Wise project! Starting in 2018, the Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) received a grant from the EcoAction Community Funding Program, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, to partner with the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISC BC) and the Saskatchewan Invasive… Read More
Aquarium Owners Across Canada Advised to Take Immediate Action – Invasive mussels found in aquarium plants in homes, stores

(March 22, 2021 – Williams Lake, BC) After invasive zebra mussels were found in moss balls sold for aquariums in the US and Canada, extensive checks have discovered these invasive dangerous mussels in moss balls sold in many provinces and states. The Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) is urging aquarium owners across Canada now… Read More
This World Water Day – Take Action and Be Aquatic Wise!

Today we celebrate World Water Day, an awareness initiative focusing on the importance of freshwater, held on March 22nd each year since 1993. By celebrating and raising awareness on the importance of freshwater resources, this effort aims to support access to safe water to those without it around the world. Canada is abundant with freshwater… Read More
Canadians being advised to check home aquariums – dangerous invasive mussels discovered in aquarium plants in BC

(March 8, 2021 – Williams Lake, BC) The Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) is expressing alarm after deadly zebra mussels were found in aquarium plants in BC and Washington state, and are advising aquarium owners across Canada to immediately check the plants in their aquariums for invasive species. “It is alarming to know that… Read More
Take Action, Be Aquatic Wise Program – “Invasive-Wise Marina” Resources Update

Starting in 2018, the Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) received a grant from the EcoAction Community Funding Program, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, to partner with the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISC BC) and the Saskatchewan Invasive Species Council (SISC) to work with local partners in both provinces and adopt aquatic habitats… Read More
Take Action, Be Aquatic Wise – Partner Survey Results are In!

Starting in 2018, the Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) received a grant from the EcoAction Community Funding Program, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, to partner with the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISC BC) and the Saskatchewan Invasive Species Council (SISC) to work with local partners in both provinces and adopt aquatic habitats… Read More
Take Action, Be Aquatic Wise – Year Two Field Results!

Starting in 2018, the Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) received a grant from the EcoAction Community Funding Program, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, to partner with the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISC BC) and the Saskatchewan Invasive Species Council (SISC) to work with local partners in both provinces and adopt aquatic habitats… Read More